Argentinean Beef Meat is worldwide recognized for it unique taste
and flavour; our cattle is grow and feed it in Argentina’s premium
grasslands. Most importance is given by us to ensure strict adherence
to International Quality Standards. We take pride in providing esteemed
customers with the premium quality and hygienically packed Beef Meat
products that are unparalleled in terms of quality and services provided.
Beef Meat
Health benefits of our beef meat:
- Lean beef is a very good source of protein, providing 64.1% of the daily value of the nutrient, in just 4 ounces.
- Good source of vitamin B12 and vitamin B6.
- Diets high in vitamin B12-rich foods, but low in fat are associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer.
- Good source of selenium and zinc. The selenium present in lean beef reduces the severity of inflammatory conditions like asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Beef is rich in phosphorous and iron.